Let’s make an impact!

’CanesGive maximizes the power of collective giving to fuel opportunities for various University of Miami programs, projects, and activities.


University of Miami Campaigns

'Canes Communities Campaign Image

'Canes Communities

’Canes Communities serve as official representatives of the University of Miami Alumni Association in geographic areas throughout the world.


34 Donors

113 days Left

$955 Donated

Asian American Students Association Spring Event Fundraiser Campaign Image

Asian American Students Association Spring Event Fundraiser

Celebrate culture with AASA! Your support funds our Lunar New Year Festival and more, give today!


6 Donors

17 days Left

$240 Donated

Engineering Student Council Fundraiser  Campaign Image

Engineering Student Council Fundraiser

Join us to inspire young minds, strengthen our engineering community, and celebrate student leaders! Your support makes a difference!


1 Donor

24 days Left

$20 Donated

Girl Scouts Engineering Day Campaign Image

Girl Scouts Engineering Day

Inspire Girl Scouts to lead the future of engineering by empowering their creativity, problem-solving, and passion for STEM.


0 Donors

60 days Left

$0 Donated

Student Government President's Initiative Campaign Image

Student Government President's Initiative

Support Student Government – Shaping the 'Cane Experience for 100 Years!


3 Donors

112 days Left

$550 Donated

Support the Danielle Mollette-Parks Memorial Journalism Scholarship Campaign Image

Support the Danielle Mollette-Parks Memorial Journalism S...

Support the Danielle Mollette-Parks Memorial Journalism Scholarship today!


73 Donors

21 days Left

$28,135 Donated

Support the University of Miami 🐈 Purr-icanes Campaign Image

Support the University of Miami 🐈 Purr-icanes

Your donation will help our student volunteers decrease out-of-pocket expenses and maintain their program. Support UPurr today!


32 Donors

21 days Left

$1,620 Donated

The José Ramón “Pocho” Rodriguez Endowed Scholarship

Support the José Ramón “Pocho” Rodriguez Endowed today!

83 Donors

113 days Left

$16,350 Donated

TriCanes Spring Bikeathon Campaign Image

TriCanes Spring Bikeathon

Support TriCanes! Help us compete at Nationals and equip our team with necessary gear. Donate today to make an impact!


3 Donors

29 days Left

$450 Donated

UM Mock Trial Team Fundraiser Campaign Image

UM Mock Trial Team Fundraiser

Your donation supports UM pre-law students and helps them gain invaluable simulation trial experience.


17 Donors

10 days Left

$1,635 Donated

Redefine what’s possible at the U